Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalization' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"                                             
Through the reading of the article, Stephan Bax wrote about how we can use technology in our daily life specifically sing a computer in language teaching .Stephan has identified a possible future plan for CALL .CALL was divided into three phases which are "behaviouristic", "communicative" and "integrative. This article seeks answers to three questions: Where has Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) been? Where is it now? Where is it going. He talked about the goal that is the normalization which he have described serving the needs of learners and included into every teachers’ everyday practice. This will almost certainly need changes in technology, in the size, shape and place of the classroom computer. It will involve change in attitudes, in approach and practice between teachers and learner. He argued for ethnographic analyses, in order to understand CALL better. He said that normalization’ relevant to any kind of technological innovation and refers to the stage when the technology becomes invisible, embedded in everyday practice and therefore ‘normalized’.  CALL will reach this state of normalization when computers are used every day by language students and teachers as an integral part of every lesson. Most importantly, CALL will be normalised when computers are treated as always secondary to learning itself, when the needs of learners will be carefully analyzed first of all, and then the computer used to serve those needs
 In my opinion, we need to applied this CALL in all schools in order to achieve the normalization. Teachers have to encourage the students to use this technology with their learning process. Teachers have to mix learning and teach. As for the use of CALL in Saudi schools I believe that soon we will see that, with all the changes in teaching languages in classes. We see some of integrated CALL in many English classes nowadays teachers use power point slides. I hope that soon open CALL we be used in schools.


  1. Hi Majedah.
    I agree with your point that teachers should encourage the students to use technology in learning process like computers and ipads.

    Have a nice time.

  2. Salam Majedah,
    I share with you the wish of Haiphong open CALL to be used in KSA soon. What I didn't get is what your wrote"teachers have to mix learning and teach." What do you mean by mixing learning and teaching?
    Dr. Hala

  3. Welcome Dr.Hala in my page :):)
    For the question ??
    I Mean the teachers have to mix learning and teaching with technology by using the computers in schools ...
